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"Pulled this up from the ground today. No lie. I know there's a few MtG players in my hometown. Maybe I should expect for a reward, or demand some ransom."
@AshToMoutHound: Looks like he managed to unnoticedly escape his owner.
This just proofs how good he is at being a ninja.
Posted By: Mode (7/21/2012 6:01:29 AM)


This guy is a beast, and the only reason he isn't the general of every ninja deck ever is because he isn't black. With any luck this reprint'll bring his price down a bit. He is also a fantastic emissary for Kamigawa. "Look, kiddies! It wasn't all bad!"
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (5/31/2012 5:34:12 PM)


Pulled this up from the ground today. No lie. I know there's a few MtG players in my hometown. Maybe I should expect for a reward, or demand some ransom.
Posted By: AshToMoutHound (6/18/2012 12:41:16 PM)


Isn't "still wind" an oxymoron?
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/5/2013 12:36:51 PM)


Combos with... Heartstone. (and Throatslitter)
I know, I know, training grounds. But I prefer Heartstone (mostly because I actually own two) but since neither of them can reduce past 1, and Higure only has a activated ability for 2, well. I thought HERES YOUR TIME TO SHINE, Heartstone. Your time to shine.
Posted By: RAV0004 (6/1/2012 1:53:28 AM)


Ninjutsu is the only part of Kamigawa I ever really wished I'd been around for (the Jitte's good, but it would get old using it all the time). Needless to say, I was more than a little pleased to read the decklist this guy shows up in.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (5/31/2012 10:20:05 PM)


Riding off of RAV0004's comment, Heartstone or Training Grounds do not combo with the Ninjutsu ability; it only works with the "Unblockable" activated ability.

Ninjutsu is an ability that activates while the Ninja is in your hand, so Heartstone and Training Grounds will not affect those
Posted By: Ladon--- (10/10/2013 8:09:55 PM)


Activated abilities contain a colon. They're generally written "Cost: Effect." Some keywords are activated abilities; they have colons in their reminder text.
2BlueBlue, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card onto the battlefield from your hand tapped and attacking.

Slow them down with Suppression Field.
Posted By: applecorn (4/28/2014 7:06:02 AM)


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