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we need art of him resting in a rocking chair with his armor and sword on a rack beside him, and he's a beside a fireplace where every single demon and dragon's head is above it
Posted By: ZHAce_ (10/31/2012 9:46:07 PM)


He reminds me of Link from "The Legend of Zelda": He is rather small and weak, yet somehow he manages to defeat creatures way more powerful than him. Probably by stabbing them in the eye ;-) And both are "intrepid heroes", of course.
Posted By: Caithbur (2/13/2013 11:46:12 AM)


This guy is relevant, versatile, and a lot of fun to play. He is a bit fragile, but some decent equipment (the usual Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots, etc.) can protect him, and there are plenty of ways to boost his power/toughness. I find Ring of Thune (from the same set, even!) is an excellent way to make him stronger. Plus, he can then attack and use his ability the same turn.
Posted By: ParishInquisitor (2/14/2013 8:31:14 AM)


He can kill off any number of big bombs your opponent brings in! A great deterrent to attack.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (7/5/2012 5:16:59 PM)


@DarthParallax: Did it really? I always loved this art. Makes me think of Eowen fighting the Witch-King in Return of the King.

This was a great reprint. I wish they had done this before I got my white-boarded copies. It's fantastic removal, shows White's part of the removal color pie (good for introducing newer players via the core set it's in), and gives you and your opponents newfound appreciation for 3/3s - and there are a lot you'd wish this guy could take out.
Posted By: sarroth (7/6/2012 10:35:14 AM)


Liliana didn't kill Griselbrand. This guy did.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (7/16/2012 9:42:05 PM)


It's a shame they didn't do new art for this guy. Would be neat to have him victoriously standing over Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis or something.

Poor guy never gets credit for it. Everyone was busy running from Emrakul to notice the tiny figure bravely crawling up his giant bulbous spaghetti body.
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (10/24/2012 5:47:59 PM)


Wander from Shadow of the Colossus ! would be even better with Haste - cough Lightning Mauler,
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/14/2013 3:31:07 PM)


Kills Emrakul, the Aeons Torn without breaking a sweat, dies in a fight with Sanctuary Cat
Posted By: CogMonocle (9/6/2013 12:40:53 AM)


"Intrepid Heroes do it from behind."

That's part of why you never see his fear.
Posted By: Keiya (7/7/2012 12:47:18 AM)


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