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Community Rating: 3.274 / 5  (31 votes)
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Actually, this is good art. Newer card art seems less like art and more like Yu-Gi-Oh! cards or something.
Posted By: nammertime (12/20/2009 9:21:27 AM)


This card has new synergy in Esper black, with cards like Salvage Slasher and Sludge Strider. I like it, even if the original art was a little lacking.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (9/25/2009 7:51:01 AM)


It still takes some effort to feed this monster, but he is also still rather scary for the casting cost.
Posted By: Radagast (10/1/2012 3:11:11 PM)


Newer card art is like Yugioh??? What the hell, do you freaking have EYES??? I don't think I have ever seen a more inaccurate, ignorant statement ever spoken about Magic...
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (11/27/2012 2:23:13 PM)


I really do like this artwork, it is bizarre, arcane, and downright interesting. The newer artwork does not fill me with any such notion.
Posted By: Zeonkaedin (1/7/2013 2:42:10 AM)


Ichor Wellspring and Mycosynth Wellspring would be interesting with this guy. 6/6 flying first strike for 6 is pretty good. Think about this, even with his age, he can trade with any titan or even wurmcoil engine and come out victorious. Heck even baneslayer angel would die in combat to this guy.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/17/2014 4:51:56 AM)


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