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He looks so old and frail there. It was quite strange as a long time player and Vorthos to see the updated version... I was half expecting him to be drinking Red Bull and talking on a Blackberry!
Posted By: stygimoloch (5/1/2009 2:32:35 PM)


The only worthwhile Elder Dragon, Bolas is awesome. If only he had trample...

Of course, he's no match for his planeswalker form.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (10/20/2009 7:37:02 AM)


I recently revisited my Chronicles collection.

Not long after they appeared, there was an offer called the Multiverse Gif Box, which also contained, among other foreign Magic boosters, a Japanese Chronicles pack. The only Chronicles set that was printed with black borders!

Well, looks like the two rares I drew were:

Dakkon Blackblade and Nicol Bolas!!! :D
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (3/5/2012 5:47:18 PM)


Omg weret...
Posted By: Neutralion (2/4/2010 7:48:31 AM)


Lord_of_Tresserhorn, if that's true....is the Japanese Chronicles Bolas cheaper than an English Legends one? If not, then I don't see how that would be interesting unless you can read Japanese- but if it IS cheaper, then I can get myself some black bordered Bolases! neat! :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/20/2012 4:08:14 PM)


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