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Community Rating: 4.069 / 5  (51 votes)
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I suffer ghastly demises in the Nether all the time.
Posted By: Sutebe (3/31/2012 11:50:29 PM)


AM i missing somethng here seems like the fewer cards in the graveyard the more this can destroy
Posted By: goldstar971 (8/28/2012 12:47:51 PM)


After using this a bit with a dredge/reanimater... I feel meh about it. I'd use it with Stinkweed Imp, putrid imp, and probably reanimater targets. It'll help you get to a quick but cheap doom blade while you get into position.

That said, the double drawback is a little lame; maybe we could hope for a card like "target creature gets -1/-1 for each creature in your graveyard", making it a little less potent early game but more universal. I think I'll go try this out again with my above comments and see if it works for me this time around. I was fighting a lot of Vampires before :s..
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/25/2013 10:19:14 AM)


This looks nuts for Dredge's sideboard. Legitimately nuts. How is this not at least 4 stars?
Posted By: Chilli_Axe (10/1/2013 7:37:20 AM)


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