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Community Rating: 4.921 / 5  (108 votes)
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Cheap mana cost, Expensive $$$ cost.
Posted By: Silverware (11/22/2009 12:17:27 AM)


Gatherer is BS-ing me. =.=

I asked it to show me all the cards with rating 4.9 or higher. Mox Ruby and Sapphire did NOT make the list. Haters.

and of the 20-odd different Moxes (counting printings), only the Beta Pearl, Alpha Emerald, and Alpha Jet made it. Is there some thing I don't about that explains this wierd phenomenon?

I can see Ruby JUST BARELY maybe not making it, since the only places it's legal in don't really need it thanks to Simian Spirit Guide, Lotus Petal, and other things that cost less than $200. Like Basic Mountain. I mean Ruby is fine, great, sure...but also probably the least practical Mox.

The Four Point Nine club is full of mainly stupidly broken cards like Mana Drain and Mind Twist. I was actually surprised to see Necropotence made it, looking at the other 38 cards I was left with. But Blue is supposed to be the Best Color right? so why is Sapphire not a 4.9 in any printing?
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/10/2012 7:05:54 PM)


Mox Lightbulb
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/24/2011 2:51:52 PM)


This Thing *** Costs A Pearl LOL
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (8/17/2010 11:30:23 AM)


Currently the highest rated card in the game.
Posted By: bkarcher42 (8/9/2011 11:14:11 AM)


Strictly more expensive than Plains
Posted By: richardshort (10/20/2012 12:48:34 PM)


This thing does not cost that much... Just some printer ink and paper.
If you put the cut out papers in card sleeves over real cards, it looks real as shit.

Unless you want to enter a major vintage tourney, you can proxy your own power 9 deck.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/8/2012 1:40:38 AM)


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