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I didn't like the overload cost on this card when I first saw it. It was one of the first cards spoiled for Return to Ravnica, and I looked on this card (and the overload mechanic) with disdain. I labeled the card as pack-filler at best, and the overload mechanic as Kicker with a new name.

Then I, in tandem with my friend, purchased the Izzet vs Golgari duel decks the day after their release.

After a few uses of the card, I came to love running into it. At instant speed, this card is ready to hit the table any time you need it to, which is a huge advantage. I was already aware that you didn't have to pay the overload cost. However, it was the mechanic that made this card different from Heat Ray, which made me want more from it.

I realized that it was actually better than Heat Ray in almost every case, which is a card I never complained about (I actually drafted it as often as I could). Then, after warring with the Golgari swarm, I saw the appeal of the overload... (see all)
Posted By: StreamHopper (9/14/2012 12:47:18 AM)


This card. Will see play up there with bonfire.
It has the choice of only one target, it is more budget, and will stay in Standard longer.

Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (9/8/2012 2:13:04 AM)


I'm really digging Overload as an ability. Combined with Goblin Electromancer, Izzet is looking mighty fine right about now.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/7/2012 3:45:43 PM)


I don't know how Spikey Overload can get even with a tuned deck-- it looks bad for trying to make your spells actually double the power (double work for not a lot of energy)

but HEY if you want to put the time and mana into it, JOHNNY is THOROUGLY over the moon for Overload ^_^ So I'm just warning people: I'm calling this as a casual mechanic. But I think it's awesome fun as that :D
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/8/2012 11:04:05 AM)


Yes DarthParallax, us Izzet are quite the Johnnies!

Overload does have the potential to be just a sideline gimmick or a Kicker reprint, but I think the WotC guys nailed it when they were making the bigger cost. However, take a second look at it: There's no target, so Shroud and Hexproof don't matter; It doesn't matter whether you hit two or twenty targets (unlike Replicate); and you still have the option to only hit a single creature! Combine this ability with original Izzet cards to get the best of both: Suddenly Weapon Surge gives all your creatures +4/+0 and First Strike thanks to Djinn Illuminatus (throw in a couple of Goblin Electromancers while the Djinn's out to really make things spin out of control!), a single Izzet Charm can be replicated and then wipe out almost anyone you want with Tibor and Lumia, lump Melek, Izzet Paragon with a Replicate or Over... (see all)
Posted By: Casimir_the_Great (1/30/2014 4:27:29 PM)


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