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Community Rating: 4.250 / 5  (28 votes)
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I'm glad it doesn't have new art :)
Not that the old art is 'bad', just that for such a special box, I'd be more driven to think the price difference between this and the Visions print would be worth it if it were new art. I might pick up the Visions copy though, in non-foil.

This may or may not see Reprint in future Commander products- unlike Chaos Warp, Blue doesn't *need* this as much as Red *needs* Warp.
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/3/2012 4:32:25 PM)


Counter Phage the Untouchable

... Wait. Shit.
Posted By: steinburger1109 (3/18/2013 8:14:57 PM)


I *love* this card.

I love it even more now that I have it in a Modern-border foil with the classic RKF artwork-
So beautiful!
Posted By: drpvfx (11/2/2012 2:28:30 PM)


Bribery would've been better to reprint. hell, maybe even control magic.

It's not that I don't like this card, I always did even when it came out, but they should reprint cards that have high values to help bring them down (not that control magic is high value, but when is the last time you've seen it?)
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (11/16/2012 7:36:52 AM)


Love the flavor text.
Posted By: iHARBiNG3R (2/6/2013 6:35:22 AM)


Think how fun it would be if player would counter Undermine with this...
(Read the flavor texts.)
Posted By: TheZombifier (9/16/2013 11:49:43 AM)


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