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Community Rating: 1.791 / 5  (74 votes)
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You can use this to tap your own creature to make it have Hexproof via Oak Street Innkeeper.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/23/2013 1:35:54 PM)


Why do I get the feeling that Wizards is saying "Despite our magnanimous gift to you in From the Vault Realms, this is as close to Maze of Ith as we are allowing in Standard. We realize it is not close. That is the point."
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/25/2013 6:06:32 PM)


Oh look, it's.... bad.....
Posted By: rollinsclone (1/23/2013 9:53:39 PM)


I *love* this card, but it's totally for the flavour. I can see playing this in limited - if you make it to turn 6 to start using this, then your opponent's got that much steeper a hill to climb - though I don't know if I would be excited to put it in my deck, as the CMC makes me cringe just like everybody else.

Still! Orzhov is giving White an injection of haughtiness that makes it far more interesting a colour to me (traditionally I'm a lover of Black and Red). Not that long ago I tried making a weird blue-white Phyrexian deck that used offbeat cards from Scars block, and one of the ones I included was Due Respect. I was totally surprised by the knee-jerk hostility I received in a multiplayer game from playing this on one of my friends, though I know that saying "it's time for you to pay me my Due Respect" was not helpful.

Now Gatecrash is here, and between awesome flavour texts like this and cards like Blind Obedience, I think I can bu... (see all)
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (1/24/2013 8:08:38 AM)


CMC is too high. Tapping the land makes it essentially the same cost as a Blinding Mage so that's fine. But paying 5 is too much. A 4 CMC would make this tolerable. I agree with @avimkv, a "whenever this land is tapped" condition would make this more useful without getting ridiculous.
Posted By: RedJaron (1/24/2013 10:16:36 AM)


This is not really bad actually but I think it should be common rarity.
I give it 5/5 just for the reason all seem to give it 0,5 , 1 or 1,5 and I think it's unfair. i save my 1/5 for terrible cards, not just cards That can't make me win in 1 turn.
Tin Street Market is so much worse than this.
Posted By: deserter (1/25/2013 8:24:46 AM)


That Pulpit!
Posted By: The_Evictee (1/27/2013 3:57:00 AM)


5 mana to attach this to a land and then you have to tap the land to tap an opponent's creature. Inefficient.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/27/2013 6:03:01 PM)


Urban Burgeoning?
Posted By: SuitofArmor (1/31/2013 10:45:48 PM)


Did an amazing job for me locking down threats in limited, not as powerful as Martial Law but close enough in any slow deck (i.e. Orzhov). Losing a land in the late game is of little consequence if you're keeping a Gideon or Lord of the Void at bay.
Posted By: Antny517 (2/1/2013 1:37:12 PM)


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