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Community Rating: 2.589 / 5  (45 votes)
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3 mana? It should cost 2.
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/3/2013 2:29:09 PM)


Don't forget about Prophetic Prism or Realmwright for "color fixing." Prisms are pretty amazing in limited, but this card is pretty good too.

It's got it's place in the right constructed deck (I'd actually prefer this over Farseek in my green/white deck). Decent card. Deserves higher than a 2.6.
Posted By: SRSFACE (2/19/2013 10:52:17 AM)


Oh come on, mana fixing, acceleration, small health gain. It's worth it. 3.5/5
Posted By: Winhert (4/8/2013 8:00:59 AM)


This card is sick. It works so well with Arbor Elf, I can't even believe how fast I ramp into my fatties. Never got dissapointed by playing it. Especially since Borderland Ranger is my only other 3 drop.
Posted By: TexasDice (5/10/2013 8:08:31 PM)


Already getting a reprint after less than six months. If not for Mass of Ghouls, I'd think that would be the record.
Posted By: Continue (7/8/2013 5:53:06 PM)


Not strictly worse. This can tap for any mana, and can change depending on the situation. Also, this costs 2 more.

Learn2strictly :P
Posted By: ThisisSakon (1/22/2013 4:40:45 PM)


This can enchant a non-forest, and the land can tap for any color rather than one set color. A more apt comparison would be Fertile Ground or Dawn's Reflection, either of which would usually be preferable to this.
Posted By: nemokara (1/23/2013 10:52:54 AM)


This is the closest I'm going to get to a reliable way to get Borborygmos out in limited and block... I'll take it.
Posted By: lorendorky (1/23/2013 12:07:54 AM)


It's good to see peace and harmony in a chaotic city plane like Ravnica.
Posted By: Cyberium (1/23/2013 2:28:33 PM)


While it might be worse than Fertile Ground, it has a nice curve out with other ramping spells in the block. 1 mana being Arbor Elf, 2 mana being Gatecreeper Vine or Farseek, 3 being itself. Axebane Guardian is the normal spell for the 3 mana slot which combos with Gatecreeper Vine. But Axebane doesn't combo with the elf. Hell, you've also got Gyre sage available for some evolve and green ramping fun.

Overall, even with all the mana acceleration right now this is definitely a card I'm not sad to see.
Posted By: HotHit (1/29/2013 12:23:04 PM)


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