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Community Rating: 3.559 / 5  (68 votes)
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"You were trying to seem useful outside of Sphinx's Revelation!"
"And I would've got away with it, if it wasn't for that Meddling Mage!"

In short, this might be good if there existed an alternative that you could play before your opponent has already dropped a playset of whatever you intend to stop.
Posted By: Squrrox-Assassin (5/10/2013 12:54:36 PM)


As much as I would like to play around with a Revelation like everyone else, I don't have the funds to warrant a playset of those. I'm throwing in an extra color and bringing Debt to the Deathless to the multiplayer table.

Think I'll start out with some Cloud Keys set to creature, drop the council's naming whatever I need at the time for some defense, and then reset them to Debt to the Deathless with Deputy of Acquittals and Conjurer's Closet when I'm ready for the kill. Even when they see it being set up, a couple Render Silents should be affordable after all the effort I've put into lowering the cost of the kill.
Posted By: A_Real_Travesty (5/12/2013 9:44:37 PM)


if only Thragtusk wasn't a creature...
Posted By: Purplerooster (5/13/2013 9:02:51 PM)


This reduces costs for Lingering Souls in the yard, right? Seems nice to get 4 tokens for WB.
Posted By: pomegranate_woes (5/18/2013 5:52:07 PM)


How does coucil work with X cost and the 2 less?? I would like to know
Posted By: striker2a2112 (6/2/2013 2:49:00 PM)


Feels a bit underwhelming...why not flying? Or 3 cmc, with that pesky noncreature clause.
Posted By: patronofthesound (6/4/2013 1:11:23 AM)


Nope. You can't respond until they have cast the spell (ie put it on the stack). Once it's already on the stack, the cost to cast has been paid. Modifying the cost at this point won't do anything. There is no way to respond to them paying the cost, so they will always get around it.

The card is interesting, but unlikely to be very useful. Someone may find something to do with it though. 3.5/5
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/10/2013 1:41:46 PM)


This certainly has its uses if you have the tools to keep it alive...even when you don't name sphinx, it's a slaughter games but better - because now the spell can clog their draws.
Posted By: CogMonocle (6/21/2013 10:00:30 AM)


This isn't just for Sphinx's Revelation. It can also make almost any 5-6 costed non-creature playable in the next turn. Terminus, Dovescape, Confiscate.
Posted By: Zoah (6/24/2013 2:31:02 AM)


Does this card have to remain on the field for its effect to work?
Posted By: ex_ygo_playa (6/25/2013 11:05:30 AM)


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