Don't know why this has such a low rating. It's actually a quite effective card in limited format. Makes good use of your late game land draws.
Posted By:
(6/10/2013 6:50:43 PM)
babaker: it's kind of dorky art. It's actually not bad if you like Magic looking pretty cartoony. It's fairly legit for a cartoon-style art. But people tend to go more for post-modern-looking hyper-realistic art or crude antiquity looks-really-ancient-and-powerful artwork.
Also, Retrace may play well, but it reads bad. It's not an ability I have a lot of experience using. It looks at first like the price is too high. Obviously, if it's in Modern Masters, I'm probably just wrong. But it does read poorly. It's not very 'sexy'.
Posted By:
(6/11/2013 1:59:33 PM)
Retrace is basically a means of converting dead land draws into useful spells. Even when they're a bit expensive, their repeatable use makes them terrifying.
This, for example, would be very useful in Soldier decks. Annoying doesn't synergise with Gaddock Teeg, but there's other ways to do Kithkin decks.
It's not bad, but it does have competition.
Posted By:
(6/12/2013 5:28:28 PM)
Posted By:
(4/2/2014 11:36:21 AM)