Brutal. Counters Show and Tell Omniscience (which I deal with in my local meta)
Is brutal with Flicker effects, is solid as a rock as a finisher and decent as a bounce spell. can be mained as a 4-of if you're careful, which is what Evoke creatures do best: They're a play on multiple turns allowing you to smooth out your curve more reliably and their ETB effects are mega-abusable.
Seriously finishes games for me reliably.
Posted By:
(6/5/2013 9:05:54 AM)
I still don't get some of these Evoke creatures. :P Apparently they are just 2 or 3 whole stars better than I can see. -_-
So I guess I'm bad at MAGIC >:(
Posted By:
(6/5/2013 8:45:29 AM)
When this snipe is in a snipe hunt, it's as the hunter, not the hunted.
Posted By:
(6/4/2013 9:33:29 PM)
Given Modern Masters was designed with limited in mind, this makes sense as a possible finisher at common. Also, it's got sinergy with Æther Spellbomb and Perilous Research.
Posted By:
(7/30/2013 3:54:10 PM)