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Community Rating: 4.200 / 5  (15 votes)
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Caldera Hellion is only better when you have creatures to sac to it. If you don't have creatures in play, or all your creatures are too big to be worth sacrificing just for a +1/+1, Caldera Hellion will die to it's own ability.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (9/5/2013 1:50:45 AM)


Caldera Hellion is better since it can devour all the creatures that it would kill it also cost 1 less, doesn't have echo and is generally larger the only reason you would play this is for that 1 extra damage which doesn't make since in my option.

EDIT: While you are correct A3Kitsune technically caldera hellion is worse in some situations, 89% of the time it is a lot better, there isn't a single deck that I have ever seen that doesn't have multiple creature with 1-3 toughness that would use either card, the only time I would run this card over caldera is if I was also running multiple creatures with devour or multiple cheap sac engines just so I wasn't losing my support creatures in vain.
Posted By: master_biomancer (9/5/2013 1:21:44 PM)


I would say that Crater Hellion is automatically better for nostalgia reasons, but....actually, Shards of Alara is getting a little old itself o.O Going on 7 years ago? When Shards of Alara itself came out, 7 years ago would have been....(counts: L-S, TS, R, K, M, O, O)

Wow Odyssey Block?? Really?? So...right in the thick of WotC breaking the ever loving poop out of the whole game, first with artifacts, then the Graveyard? o.O XD A tiny bit before the debut of Storm, and the horror that is Affinity still in the future....lol.

But still. 7 years before Caldera Hellion, people would actually be strongly considering Crater Hellion a MAJOR player for whatever the infancy of the EDH format was...
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/8/2013 11:54:22 PM)


@DeathParallax: Don't say Alara is old, I started playing at Conflux, and I don't want to feel old :(

This guy is average, Red Wraths are always welcome

4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (1/28/2014 4:35:12 PM)


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