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Notion Thief
Posted By: Cyberium (10/30/2013 1:10:38 PM)


Everybody draws!
Posted By: DaLucaray (10/29/2013 6:15:30 PM)


Is everyone kidding themselves? There is a pile of vile bile heading straight for some poor, unassuming, fish dude who manages to stops that stream of ooze from reaching his undoubtedly smooth and moist flesh with effortless poise and grace. The previous attempt at art for this card is some confused, haphazard ice duel, whose relation to "denial" (I can see arcane, granted) is all but impossible to discern.

Onto what I think about what this card does, I think its a fitting edition to an EDH Grouphug deck-It gets the job done in a moment of crisis, for a decent cost, with the "plus side" of giving your opponent a little something extra in return (just so they know there's no hard feelings), and hey, you get half that deal yourself! What joy!

Posted By: Tsuichoi (11/1/2013 7:31:02 AM)


"I'm sorry I stopped that thin excuse of potential. Here, have some more wasted potential."
Posted By: Ferlord (10/31/2013 1:13:28 PM)


Nekusar, the Mindrazer loves this spell, so it's nice they gave it to him.

Oh wait, they gave it to Derevi instead. Sure, why not?
Posted By: SirMalkin (11/2/2013 1:21:54 AM)


Not card advantage? Counter your own cheap spell and draw three cards for two. Granted it costs at least as much as a divination (unless you use 0 cmc cpells) but you can use it on your own spells in response to any spell making yours worthless.

Alternatively, cast an uncounterable spell and target it with this. Drawing three cards for {1}{U} sounds good.
Posted By: Citz (11/5/2013 12:33:05 PM)


Turn 1. Seal of Removal
Turn 2. This
Turn 3. Let them draw 2, draw one yourself, cast Iron Maiden

Pretty ideal counterspell in Iron Maiden centric decks. Not too shabby later in the game either. The drawing is optional, but that'd mean it's a hard counter + delayed cantrip for {1}{U}.
Posted By: Dankirk (12/1/2013 11:30:48 PM)


Hey look, a counterspell that doesn't suck to cascade into.

"Return target permanent to its owner's hand; Or draw three cards, whatever."

Funny how, at CMC 2, any Cascade spell could hit this.
Posted By: Minus_Prime (12/15/2013 10:44:59 AM)


+ 2 CMC
+ Hard counter - counter creature AND non-creature spells
+ Mana cost of 1Blue, not BlueBlue, making it splashable
+ At the beginning of the next turn's upkeep, you draw a card.
+ As Citz points out, cast a spell, counter it with this, draw 3 cards for (1Blue + cost of other spell cast - counter a 0-drop of your own then, I guess.. heh)... or target something that can't be countered, since the drawing is not dependent on the countering being successful, and draw 3 for 1Blue. Holy ****.
- The caster of the spell you countered is able to draw up to 2 cards at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep, you draw a card.

Is the one drawback that big a deal? Depends... but still, 1Blue to hard counter and draw a card next upkeep feels worth that drawback... hard to see this card and not squeal with joy.

Even with the drawback, this is an amazing card, pure and simple, from what it gives and drawback, to how the drawback can be used in your favor.
Posted By: Travelsonic (12/18/2013 8:02:24 AM)


Notion Thief is horrible with this card. You want Dream Fracture instead as Denial says "May Draw". With the thief in play I would not draw the cards so you would only net 1 card. Fracture would draw 2 cards no matter what. The only advantage would be the reduced mana cost. I love Arcane Denial and consider it one of the most powerful counterspells of all time.
Posted By: amberbock (2/7/2014 12:52:11 PM)


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