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Community Rating: 3.679 / 5  (14 votes)
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I will now be incomplete until this is printed in foil, which will likely never happen.

Seriously, one of the best new arts for any card ever.
I want to re-add this to decks I cut it from just for the art!
Posted By: drpvfx (10/29/2013 9:23:29 PM)


Oh wow this new art is a lot better. Take a look at Azorius Guildgate.
Posted By: lorendorky (10/29/2013 8:56:37 PM)


Isperia, the Supreme OCD.
Posted By: Cyberium (10/30/2013 1:41:16 PM)


That is some art!

I'll take 4, please.
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (10/29/2013 9:34:41 PM)


it doesn't fail to impress, sure. however, personally I don't think it's in the same LEAGUE as Prosperity. I would say this is a VERY good illustration of a relatively simple straightforward art. obvious art is obvious? but it IS nicely done. Compare to Ancestral Vision for similar feel. It's 'exactly what it's supposed to be', but doesn't evoke very much emotion.

Prosperity on the other hand, is a card that first of all is a challenge to illustrate without looking cheesy. Greed has good art, but I feel it's walking right on the edge of looking ridiculous, and made it's saving throw to look awesome instead. Old Prosperity plain looks stupid compared to today, but since MAGIC very *brilliantly* uses art directors to try to keep things looking related to each other, old Prosperity at least looks 'stupid in a Very 1994 MAGIC kind of way'. You see it that guy in poster next to Hurloon Minotaur and Apprentice Wizard, for sure. ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/1/2013 7:07:16 AM)


Wow...that's a funny looking "V."
Posted By: SpaceMagic (11/6/2013 9:44:41 PM)


I get the distinct impression that the Azorius and Esperites frequently shape clouds into rude phrases and images at each other. Don't know why.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (11/12/2013 1:58:04 PM)


5 out of 5 for the new art alone! I love group hug decks and this card is always the main reason my opponents doesn't attack me... or at least doesn't target me for Cruel Ultimatum.

The only sad part is... I can't find any image on goggle to use as a wall paper =(
Posted By: Wizpal (2/24/2014 8:28:32 AM)


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