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Community Rating: 3.836 / 5  (64 votes)
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As a consolation prize...have some mana.
Posted By: RamenAwesome (1/31/2014 3:00:24 PM)


Nice flavor but pales in comparison with Sever the Bloodline. Should have been instant imho.

Almost looks like an limited focuses uncommon because it's so weak.
Indestructible Gods will be the only reason this could see play outside of limited.
Posted By: Vividice (1/29/2014 10:03:31 AM)


Clay sounds like an extremely impractical material to make coins out of. Coins weren't only made of gold because it's valuable, but also because it's extremely durable, since it's tough, flexible and resistant to corrosion. In comparison, clay is extremely fragile, easily shattered when dropped on the floor, which would mean that the physical destruction of currency would be very easy. And even if they couldn't make coins out of gold, they could at least make it out of silver or bronze or some other metal.

On the other hand, I always love it when Black gets Exile effects. Since it's supposed to be the best colour at getting rid of creatures.
Posted By: Tiggurix (1/30/2014 2:12:19 PM)


Populate for gold?
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (1/31/2014 2:00:14 PM)


Is this what would have happened if Fluttershy was outstared by the cockatrice?
Posted By: Continue (2/3/2014 1:18:15 PM)


I feel this card is under appreciated with the rating currently. This is a removal spell that when teamed with Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas can give you a 5/5 and exile an opponents monster as well if you're packing four and use tezzerets ult can deal 8 extra damage.
Posted By: Ashioksrevanant (2/4/2014 9:42:32 PM)


"In comparison, clay is extremely fragile, easily shattered when dropped on the floor, which would mean that the physical destruction of currency would be very easy."

And where does it go when it's destroyed? Into the Underworld, of course, where the merchants cackle with glee.
Posted By: turnip_song (2/10/2014 5:27:12 AM)


But Wizards, which Guild are we talking about?

I see lots of comments about Orzhov, but you can't fool me: Orzhov isn't from Theros!

But seriously, it's a great piece of removal. I'm happy they made a new card with just a one-syllable name. I wouldn't be surprised if you called it "Cruel Transmute" or something like that.

PS. I know the difference between Guild and Gild! Please don't hurt me!
Posted By: Ferlord (2/15/2014 9:35:31 AM)


Awesome card, I love kill spells that poop lotus petals.
Posted By: heavyterror (2/22/2014 5:10:18 PM)


When I drafted for the first time on this set, I found in my booster the "Gold" token, and i was like "the hell with this?"
Posted By: Wizpal (2/24/2014 3:13:32 PM)


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