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Community Rating: 3.792 / 5  (12 votes)
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Of all the nonland cards in Vraska's deck, only Acidic Slime, Drooling Groodion, and Vraska the Unseen will be able to dodge the kicked version of this spell.

In fact, I've noticed that none of Jace's counterspells can hold off Vraska herself for long. This was probably done intentionally to avoid anticlimatic or frustrating matches for the Vraska player.

Kudos to Wizards for putting so much thought into fun deck design, I'm sure it's well appreciated by more folks than just myself.
Posted By: Ataraxiom (2/26/2014 1:44:51 PM)


Hey, that Metathran has the symbol of the coalition on its shoulder.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (2/25/2014 5:26:53 PM)


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