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Community Rating: 3.909 / 5  (11 votes)
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What's crazy about these cogworks that might go unnoticed at first, they typically have very well costed bodies stapled to their effects. Sure, Bronze Sable is pretty vanilla, but for drafting a whole pack, you'd think it'd be a 1/1 for 2.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (6/4/2014 2:48:08 PM)


Need I say it? Fun in a draft.
Posted By: Phoenixreborn9 (6/3/2014 5:23:37 PM)


This guy plus Lore Seeker.

"Yes, I'll just draft this Alpha/Mirrodin/insert broken block here booster instead. That one was probably lousy anyways."
Posted By: Kor_Sanctifier (6/3/2014 4:17:08 PM)


finally, now you don't have to give up the amazing packs!
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (6/5/2014 12:39:40 PM)


How many times have we all thought "can't I take all of these cards"? Well, with him, now we can. I am excited to see how often he gets used, and then the look on our faces when we take an "awesome" pack, only to be passed a better one, lol. I am also excited to see this guy + Cogwork Grinder + Worldknit. Take the good, exile the rest, and then play it all easily.

Got a chance to draft this guy. Man is it hard to know when the right time to take a whole pack is. I used him to draft a pack containing a Lurking Automaton, so a 15/15 for 5 definitly seemed worth it. I know it helped in the game, lol.
Posted By: Bbone37 (6/8/2014 10:32:37 AM)


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