I can see this as a third or fourth pick, once the bombs are gone. It's a good effect. The lifeloss isn't as powerful as the intimidation factor, and it's easy for opponents to make decisions poorly.
Posted By:
(6/3/2014 5:36:02 PM)
I suppose there'll be a few people scratching their heads over why (a) this isn't black-red, and (b) why the type isn't Zombie Dwarf Wizard.
Posted By:
(6/4/2014 8:07:01 AM)
One of those cards that makes you wonder if its current name is the same as its playtest title.
Posted By:
(6/4/2014 2:39:44 PM)
I honestly thought it was just one life. 2 life makes voting against you a lot more painful. Good effect for a common.
Posted By:
(6/4/2014 4:57:34 PM)
Use with brago's represenitive. You make people more likely to vote for you, and you get 2 votes yourself. You will own all the elections. You can not use them to make them lose 2 life because you voted for 2 things, so if they vote for either one, they voted for something you voted for.
first commenter!
Posted By:
(6/3/2014 3:41:42 PM)
Use it against Brago's Representative.
"Sure, you get two votes... but they better both be for me."
Posted By:
(6/7/2014 12:25:31 PM)
"Cower before the might of... CORRUPT POLITICS!"
Posted By:
(6/7/2014 4:56:14 PM)
A 2/1 for is already aggressive (in black, at least), two relavent tribes, and the fact that he can deal some damage when people vote against you is pretty good. Obviously it would depend on how many voting cards are at your table, but even still he is a decent guy for black. Even better if either outcome of the vote doesnt matter to you, and you go last, you would basically get to choose to whom you deal damage. Worth it.
Posted By:
(6/9/2014 8:25:33 AM)