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Community Rating: 3.917 / 5  (6 votes)
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There's really not much blue about this, but it's still a pretty good card. 2 power with first strike in the air is sure to hold down your defenses well or be good on the offense, whatever you see fit.
Posted By: DaLucaray (6/3/2014 6:23:22 PM)


"There's really not much blue about this (...)" —DaLucaray

While flying is a keyword that (aside from green) every color can have every now and then, it's still a predominantly blue keyword, and air is also a trait related to blue.
So there are reasons for it to be blue, both functionality-wise and flavor-wise.

Obviously though, it could be mono-white.
In fact, there is a mono-white version of it, which even lead to this card's existance to begin with: Thunder Spirit.
Posted By: Mode (6/7/2014 4:24:41 AM)


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