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Community Rating: 3.033 / 5  (30 votes)
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I always liked morph, but on a strongly tribal card like this you'll rarely if ever play him facedown.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (9/1/2010 9:32:21 PM)


Strictly better than Bellows Lizard, amusingly enough.
Posted By: Continue (9/26/2013 9:42:02 AM)


Sorta like a firebreathing-helper. Only costlier. Still, quite nice if you've got some things charging for damage.

Oh, and that eye patch is badass.
Posted By: NARFNra (12/29/2010 1:41:54 PM)


While this isn't a powerhouse, it is a versatile goblin, since it can raise the power of any of your creatures in a goblin deck. Unlike other creatures with firebreathing effects, this guy's useful if any goblins are left unblocked.
Posted By: GoblinNaysayer93 (8/6/2010 6:15:41 PM)


Doesn't seem at first like a terrible 1-drop for Goblins, but Goblins have WAY better options in that department. First effect is crap... 2 for a +1/+0 is only useful if you have extra mana and trying to get some extra damage. Morph is okay, but he doesn't count as a Goblin as a face-down, so it doesn't help you there.

Problem with him is that Goblins have too many more viable options (Like Goblin Lackey, duh)

Posted By: KillerNacho (2/6/2011 8:30:01 AM)


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