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Community Rating: 3.306 / 5  (31 votes)
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This is on my list as one of the most obnoxious cards to play against ever.

Which is why I run a playset of both this and Excommunicate in my blue/white control deck. It's not the best deck, but it sure is fun to play with.
Posted By: McThor (1/17/2011 11:25:03 AM)


Fun for you maybe. Having your big creature get Über-bounced after you played it hurts a lot, as you won't be able to play anything next turn either aside from that, as well as not draw anything new. Big tempo loss.
Posted By: jsttu (3/4/2011 7:44:58 AM)


I guess it was nice of Portal to call the library your "deck" and the graveyard your "discard pile" but I suspect it confused players more than it helped. (Usually a new player learns the game from an experienced player or playgroup, who would use 'library' and 'graveyard' as vocabulary...)
Posted By: Salient (8/31/2011 9:31:31 PM)


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