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the cost is high but 6 dmg to everything is not too bad.
Posted By: Arthindole (4/2/2010 3:15:04 PM)


problem is that red creatures have crap toughness and most creatures your opponent can summon for seven mana(assuming both you and him are curving out perfectly) have seven toughness, not to mention the chance for it to kill you.
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (7/21/2010 10:50:59 AM)


@Test-subject- Solve that problem with Mark of Asylum, and perhaps CoP: Red.
And uhhh... Inferno is recommended. Instant speed is fantastic!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/6/2011 12:34:34 PM)


This is crap. Use Earthquake if you want sorcery and Inferno otherwise. Red has so many burn cards that why select the mediocre ones.

Could though be used in mono red EDH burn deck.
Posted By: tavaritz (7/13/2011 7:49:11 AM)


6 damage to everyone and everything is really a big deal, but 7 mana is definetly too much.

Special thanks to Mike Dringenberg, who gave us one of the most beautiful artworks in Magic.
Posted By: Paolino (10/8/2011 4:53:26 AM)


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