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Community Rating: 4.098 / 5  (132 votes)
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Strictly better than Sea Eagle...No, seriously! Both in 8th Edition, no less.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/26/2009 12:58:55 PM)


They may look full of innocence, but that is because they feast upon it.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/20/2010 9:20:18 PM)


Turn 1: Ornithopter, Ornithopter, Tolarian Academy, Storm Crow.

Don't make me angry.
Posted By: zeyette (3/20/2010 4:31:01 PM)


5/5 for pure unabashed elemental mastery
Posted By: switchblade44 (2/24/2011 6:54:17 PM)


People should remember Storm Crow's secret abilities:
1) Shroud -- Opponents are too struck by awe to cast a spell on the majestic Storm Crow; Storm Crow has no flaws, so there is no point for you to cast a spell on it.
2) Fear -- Only creatures without hearts or minds can withstand Storm Crow's presence.
3) When Storm Crow deals damage to a player, that player loses the game -- Any player would naturally forfeit the after getting hit by Storm Crow once, for he cannot bear to suffer his wrath again. Surrender is the only sane option.
Posted By: DeviousPie (11/11/2011 6:39:09 PM)


I am not lying, I actually traded a JvC Chandra Nalaar for a foil one of these today! (I had 5 chandras) I built a deck around it, 59 islands and this.

EDIT: Okay who are the asshats rating down every comment?
Posted By: Shadoflaam (5/1/2012 11:35:21 AM)


Grand Comrade Storm Crow descending, life is given meaning.
Grand Comrade Storm Crow departing, you ought to throw yourself before his limousine in a show of appreciation for all that Grand Comrade Storm Crow has done for you. You ungrateful swine.
Posted By: stygimoloch (11/21/2009 5:55:24 AM)



Your friend just gave you one? Usually people have to kill (Stalin for example) to get one of these.

Not to mention:
Charles Manson
Lee Harvey Oswald
Govrillo Princep (he killed Franz Ferdinand, which caused WWI!)
Hitler (That's WWII)
and finally the WMD's the USA were trying to find in IRAQ turned out to be Saddam stockpiling storm crows!!
Posted By: General_Kagemaro (8/20/2012 7:31:10 AM)


I hit "random card" and got Storm Crow. Even the gatherer recognizes the best card in all of M:TG!
T1: Black Lotus - Island - TWO STORM CROWS. People scoop EVERY TIME that happens!! As far as I know, that's the best play in Magic.
Posted By: Pinsir52 (10/8/2010 11:36:48 AM)


There's no point in trying to explain Storm Crow to people who don't grok Storm Crow.

It is what it is.

Posted By: Baconradar (10/20/2011 7:43:46 AM)


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