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Man I remember a guy attacked me with one of these, then he flung it at me with fling, I took 2 damage! well needless to say I was so traumatized by the experience of it I just quit the game, ran home and hid under my bed rocking back and forth clutching a crucifix.

To think I saw a real Storm Crow, not one of those collector edition ones, or the gold boardered ones from the Tourny decks, but the real thing! if I ever get over my fear I'll ask him if he'll trade me one for my two beta moxes.....probably not though....only an idiot would make that deal....and we all know idiots don't use Storm Crows riiight?
Posted By: Pontiac (3/22/2011 1:59:06 PM)


Swag_Crow declaring, swag overbearing. Swag_Crow autocarding, swag just starting.

Posted By: Swag_Crow (12/27/2013 6:03:37 AM)


strictly worse than sage owl
Posted By: DaaNz (3/19/2009 5:07:48 AM)


A decent creature for 2 CMC, good in limited, but not much else...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (5/26/2010 8:34:27 PM)


@Equinox Which Is Weird That A Crow Is Even Close To Being As Strong As An Eagle And There Both Facing Oceanic Weather
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/20/2010 12:56:11 PM)


Can somebody.... PLEASE explain to me what the deal about this card is? I don't get it. I'm a new-ish player. Why is this simple creature so.... PRAISED! I mean, really, let's praise a card with 1 more Toughness than, and without the fetch ability of, Squadron Hawk, which is extremely powerful. You get up to 3 1/1 Flying creatures into your hand on turn two. This guy. Turn two drop. 1/2 Flying. Please, explain. PLEASE, explain. I need to know why this gard is so over-praised for a two mana drop.

This includes the other comment mentioning the following:

Turn 1: Black Lotus, Island, two Storm Crow drops, opponent surrenders/scoops.

WHAT on EARTH caused this? I mean, really, I have one of these from Portal. Does it make sense to me how a 1/2 Flying for 1U is so powerful? No. Honestly. Please, explain. I don't care about a bad comment. Again, semi-new player.

Note: I got the Portal one from a friend. Just FYI.
Posted By: mrhardy12 (6/12/2011 6:42:44 PM)


dose not die to anything 5/5
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/7/2011 6:39:05 PM)


Strictly below average, just like my girl Phage the Untouchable! Yay mediocrity!
Posted By: PhagePoker (11/10/2009 1:44:35 PM)


@ mrhardy12 tho I will be eaten alive for saying this I will spill the beans. Storm Crow is the BEST!!! (It's just a joke/fun banter, friend, no need to panic). Not even sure how it started. Although, I believe these used to be very commonly discarded for Force of WIll which is a VERY powerful card! So in that sense you could say it was good, lol.
Posted By: unerasablesin (7/23/2012 3:15:08 AM)


This card is SICK....I paid $40 for a playset of these the other day....so happy..people usually scoop when this badass hits the table...not even Blightsteel Colossus or Kozilek, Butcher of Truth can block him
Posted By: immelmann (9/9/2012 4:07:44 AM)


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