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As GracefulInferno pointed out, sets up an easy-though-expensive infinite turn combo with Beacon of Tomorrows (provided you have 14 mana available - which is not uncommon in EDH), and the thing is - it only requires the one card to set it up. Like a few other infinite combos I have in my Maelstrom Wanderer deck, both cards are good and justifiably included on their own, but you put them together and you have a wincon. Synergy like that is awesome in EDH - and this card has synergy written all over it.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (6/20/2012 12:52:59 AM)


Arcum... Dagsson....
Posted By: Milun (10/3/2012 4:37:38 AM)


Was one of my first rare cards, and the star of my crappy beast deck!!

5/5, won me so many games.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/23/2013 2:24:53 AM)


Ignoring the mana costs on either side, what this card does is extremely powerful. A theoretically infinite number of demonic tutors. So you think you can win if every turn you can just search your deck for the best card every turn? Gee, that doesn't sound very hard at all. I definitely want to be able to activate this the turn it comes into play so, when I have this, I wait to get to 12 mana because if you just play it on turn 6, people have time to destroy it before you get any cards out of it.

5/5 in edh and type 4

p.s. also see ring of three wishes
Posted By: Ligerman30 (8/29/2013 2:33:34 PM)


when one diabolic tutor simply wont due.
Posted By: Burningsickle (4/22/2014 5:49:04 PM)


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