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Community Rating: 2.657 / 5  (35 votes)
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Fairly solid card.
Posted By: NeoKoda (8/27/2011 12:36:34 PM)


This problem is that you want to put this on your best creatures, preferably the turn such a creature comes into play, and preferably with an extra mana available so you can regenerate him if he gets zapped/killed. Of course if your guy gets exiled you just lost two for one. If he gets bounced at least you just lost the enchantment...

This card looks a lot more useful than it usually is.
Posted By: The_Erudite_Idiot (9/30/2013 1:25:43 AM)


It's okay, there are other similar alternatives:

Jolrael's Favor has flash, but costs {1}{G} per regeneration.
Gaea's Embrace costs {2}{G}{G}, but also gives trample and +3/+3. I always liked trample + regeneration...lets you get damage through fearlessly.
Posted By: tcollins (2/4/2014 8:48:39 PM)


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