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In my opinion, anyone mentioned the best combo with this card. You need to have a Stronghold Overseer and any other creature on the battlefield.Then you use this enchantment in the creature you have chosen, and active the special ability of Stronghold Overseer (paying 2 mana). Now you have two creatures with shadow and 1+ in attack. If you have more than one Stronghold Overseer it works better, because the attack boost is more.
Posted By: Master8JM8 (4/16/2012 5:25:51 PM)


Pretty good with Faceless Devourer too. Exile an opponent's pesky creature!
Posted By: BlackDoveProphet (6/16/2012 2:57:57 PM)


I like the versatility of this one. Make your creatures unblockable, or stop enemy creatures from blocking.
Posted By: Arachnos (8/15/2012 7:59:50 PM)


Skullbriar would like to learn a few things from the Dauthi.
Posted By: Ferlord (10/22/2012 4:55:11 AM)


Outrageously overrated card. See Whispersilk Cloak
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/10/2013 6:32:45 PM)


It can be used as a combat trick too, to stop creatures from blocking any of your creatures without Shadow!

Since Duathi are not THAT great THESE days, most of your cards will probably not have Shadow?

Lastly, good in all EDH decks with Black--it's kind of like pseudo Horsemanship :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/26/2013 10:33:33 AM)


I was skeptical of the cost of this card, but I'm surprised by its effectiveness in EDH/Commander. Being able to use it on an opponent's creatures, makes it a very effective political card. Especially, if one opponent gains board position too quickly.
Posted By: Fadingstar (9/29/2013 7:11:01 PM)


Combos great with a Sol Ring enchanted with Animate Artifact!!!
Posted By: car2n (10/3/2013 7:04:24 PM)


This isn't completely outclassed by Whispersilk Cloak. It doesn't give shroud and it requires mana every turn, but it's much more versatile. It can give evasion to multiple creatures at once, and if your opponent only has one or two eligible blockers you can use it on them to make your entire army unblockable.

And since it can be activated at instant speed, the most hilarious use of this card is multiplayer politics. Say to one opponent, "Hey, if you swing at somebody else I'll make sure your creature connects." Then not only are you spared damage, but now one opponent is closer to death and the other one is grateful to you.

Also, as an equipment, Whispersilk can be hosed by more cards than a global enchantment with an activated ability. Stony Silence, Null Rod, a pre-emptive Tower of the Magistrate, Sydri, and Karn, Silver Golem are just the ones that ha... (see all)
Posted By: MisterAction (2/16/2014 11:05:56 PM)


I see you activated monstrous on your hundred handed one to allow him to block all my tokens, be a shame if I sent him to the shadow dimension.

Seriously, If they only have a few good blockers and you have a lot of attackers give the opponents creatures shadow to make them unable to block your non-shadow creatures.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (3/18/2014 11:07:21 PM)


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