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Community Rating: 4.083 / 5  (54 votes)
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Another good, cheap, evasive card for ninjas to abuse.
Posted By: SirMalkin (4/27/2012 4:31:21 PM)


Close to a 2/1 unblockable for 1Black that you can get. 2 damage is a clock in its own right and twice as powerful as 1 damage. Would run over tormented soul all day.

Tormented soul needs help to make an impact. This guy can deal respectable damage if left unchecked on his own.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/7/2013 6:20:11 PM)


Two mana for what will almost always be two unblockable power. He'll put a pretty quick clock on your opponent's game and combos greatly with cards like Hatred or Endless Scream. All this, and a lone spike-nipple.

Good stuff.
Posted By: Kirbster (4/3/2011 2:16:53 PM)


So only Dauthi and blue shadows can block it? Sign me up.
Posted By: TheTraitorKing (12/29/2009 5:02:11 PM)


3.5/5. There was a time when this card was much better. I think its better than Dauthi Slayer, as the Soltari cards can't block it. But almost no one uses Soltari cards in the first place, and Slayer has that extra toughness just in case. 2 for a 2/1 unblockable is amazing, especially given its mono-color and can be easily splashed. Take that, Jessian Infiltrator.
Posted By: kitsunewarlock (6/2/2009 2:11:20 PM)


this is a lot better card than is rated i think... firstly, at the time, a lot of people actually use soltari creatures (priest, monk and visionary comes to mind)...

and this is a black, 1b for a 2 power shadow... id say its pretty decent
Posted By: spoonish (9/7/2009 1:31:36 PM)


Hatred for the win!
Posted By: Pinsir52 (10/7/2010 7:14:12 PM)


Back in the day I liked to play this with Unholy Strength!

But this dude were so strong, in my playin group, that I judged Shadow as an overpowered ability and my friends invited me to stop running it.

I would love to se this reprinted!
Posted By: Ratazana (3/6/2013 10:15:18 AM)


I like this card as an alternative to Imps for 'small creatures to play in Demon Tribal decks' ^_^

'Horror' was what they called 'Demon' during the years they couldn't print Demons. Which I think was something like Tempest - Onslaught. Onslaught itself had Grinning Demon, the first one in a LONG time.
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/25/2013 6:17:19 PM)


No one fucks with E.T.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/4/2013 12:18:53 PM)


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