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Use with Sacred Wolf or Silhana Ledgewalker.
Posted By: zan23 (8/25/2010 11:58:17 PM)


Put this in a blue black deck. Slam this on an enemy creature and then target it with anything really (preferably you will have a creature or artifact which repeatedly targets). Then in response to the triggered ability use Vedalken Mastermind to return the graft to your hand. Later, rinse, repeat.
Posted By: Saikuba (5/17/2012 12:51:40 AM)


"This one has not screamed enough to show effective implantation. Kill it." —Volrath

Ya know, I think the card designers were trying to tell us something about the character of this "Volrath" fellow, but I can't quite put my finger on it... they were far too subtle with the flavor text...
Posted By: DrJack (8/17/2012 1:32:59 PM)


@Jack: they were trying to tell us Volrath was an idiot.

The stronger ones would scream less. Only the smart ones, the ones smart enough to realize Volrath was an idiot, would even be able to think of 'let's scream more to not get killed'.

If you are smart and weak, you are not what Phyrexia should be looking for, but they will keep you because they are dumb. You will pass inspection because you screamed, but because you are weak you will die either in Phyresis or in battle.

If you are smart and strong, the rarest kind of being, there is a little hope for you. You will scream more, you will pass inspection, and you will harden yourself in the crucible of war into a complete killing machine.

You will ascend through the ranks and eventually outsmart, kill and replace your masters.

You will then realize that because you were smart and strong, others might be smart and strong and kill and replace you. You will then attempt to cull the smart out. But once you start waging a war O... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/26/2013 9:46:36 AM)


This card is my favorite creature removal. You read it right: it is a CREATURE REMOVAL.

I once used a sick combo: In one game my opponent dropped a Sliver Queen in play on turn 4 while I have a Fireslinger in play. I play Death Watch on his Queen and then enchant this card on it too. Now it is a 10/10, I target the Queen with my fireslinger, blowing it up and I gain 10 life while he lose 10 life. The effect of my fireslinger is countered due to illegal target so I don't take that 1 damage.

Because it is a triggered ability you can't save the creature with enchantment removal. On some games you may even use this on your creature to make the final blow once the opponent has tapped out. It is so flexible, I love this card. To use it to best effect you just have to ensure you have lots of permenents that are able to target creatures, which is in fact quite easy.
Posted By: non1337 (11/3/2010 10:22:29 AM)


Kind of cool flavor test, but the ability is only so-so.
Posted By: Bluehero (5/21/2010 10:54:39 AM)


Make that creature bigger and give it the typical M12 Illusion ability!
Posted By: Binaro (3/10/2012 7:20:34 PM)


Only good with a creature with Hexproof.
Posted By: atemu1234 (3/12/2012 2:39:42 PM)


Use with hexproof or indestructible creatures, or of course on anything you want dead.
Posted By: casual_melvin (10/18/2013 2:15:05 PM)


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