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fateseal 1 every turn?

Too expensive though.
Posted By: mdakw576 (2/9/2010 1:37:40 AM)


So its like Jace, the Mind Sculptor that doesn't cost you a hundred dollars. And can't be used as a win condition. And doesn't net you cards...
Posted By: Kryptnyt (12/23/2010 6:15:19 AM)


Shouldn't this be errated to just say "Fateseal 1: (reminder text blah blah)" ?
Posted By: Fox_Murdoch (11/24/2010 9:25:31 PM)


Time to put a dollar value on Powercreep in Magic!

Jace, The Mind Sculptor ($90)- Brainstorm ability ($0.90) - Unsummon ($0.01) - Powercreep = Precognition ($0.30)

Rearranging our Equation and solving for $$$ yields:
Powercreep = $88.79
Posted By: tcollins (1/4/2011 10:56:28 PM)


Hmmmm its ok
Posted By: EnV (9/21/2010 8:40:35 PM)


Not worth 4Blue, for sure!
Posted By: Paolino (1/13/2012 1:21:31 AM)


@ tcollins

I don't agree with your equation. Brainstorm is a 1-mana can trip that can be used at any time. Unsummon is a 1-mana bounce spell that can be used at any time. Precognition is a 5-mana enchantment that may be used every turn, in addition to you firing off any Brainstorms or Unsummons you might have.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor, although he is cheaper now than when you posted, is not all the previous cards mentioned combined. JtMS is a Precognition, Brainstorm, Unsummon, AND a win condition all wrapped up into one with the drawback of only being able to use one per turn. Jace is more expensive than the combined prices of all the parts because he is the sum of all parts. Since he saves deck space, he breaks wallet.
Posted By: thorjy (6/15/2012 7:48:34 PM)



you're nearly arguing semantics. so it's not unsommon, but rather silent departure because of the speed. and similarly with brainstorm, but, let's be honest, all you're doing is taking away the casting of those spells and putting into one selectable, reusable package. plus if there are trade offs between timing and select-ability, then the precognition portion of jace, the mind sculptor allows you to now target yourself.
Posted By: raptorman333 (3/15/2013 9:45:16 AM)


It is actually called precognition..
Posted By: Dryten (9/6/2013 11:50:16 AM)


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