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When it was first printed, it was probably the only response to black lotus in print.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/28/2011 6:15:47 AM)


The Crappiest Counterspell

My least favorite children's book...
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (12/5/2012 10:25:26 PM)


Those poor poor Ornithopters

Posted By: forumbrowser (6/6/2012 6:07:05 PM)


Now that Cancel has taken over from Counterspell I could see that this could work.

This was ok against Swords to Plowshares, Lightning Bolts and even Giant Growths. Now that ordinary counter costs 1BlueBlue, I can see cards with converted manacost 2 as targets for this.

Definately better now than Power Sink.
Posted By: tavaritz (7/27/2011 8:10:03 AM)


Good point tavaritz, but this isn't so much better than Power Sink. Power Sink negates a whole opponent's turn, so in that contest in better.
However, this is better to counter a few-mana spell, but the sink is better to counter a lot-mana spell. The counter-point is that if you counter a lot-mana spell with power sink, chances are that your opponent spent a lot of mana in it, so draining its mana may not be so useful SOMETIMES...

If I had to play only these counterspell, I would play 4 Sink and 2 Blast, because the Sink is useful at the early and late game, when your opponent spends almost all his/her mana for his/her most powerful spell, while the blast is most useful only at the early game if you're ahead of 1 mana, and in the late game maybe you can counter only some minor therat. Useful but somehow situational...

Posted By: leomistico (9/13/2011 1:22:45 AM)


It beside the point of counterspelling. Fail. If you can counter a powerful, costly spell, it means you're untapped. If you're that untapped, it means you did not do much of your last turn...
Posted By: Carnophage_4ever (10/20/2010 9:32:04 PM)


The thinking mage's version of brute force, huh.
Posted By: Goatllama (8/7/2013 2:02:24 PM)


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