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Community Rating: 3.906 / 5  (48 votes)
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Also the poor mans alternative to Path to Exile, considering I haven't seen Path for under 6$ each.
Posted By: BrutalJim (3/13/2010 12:37:57 AM)


To be honest, this card has the same usefulness as Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares, as far as one-drop white exiling goes.
You don't want to Path early game.
You don't want to Swords late game.
You don't want to use this after the wrong creature damages you.
It's all situational, and where I will admit that this has less versatility than the other two,
It's very hard to argue that it's significantly worse than the others,
Because sometimes that other land or extra life you gave your opponent costs you the game.
Posted By: infernox10 (12/13/2010 12:15:33 PM)


Is it just me, or does that look like a Nim in Kamigawa?
Posted By: Mr.Wimples (3/10/2012 2:33:59 PM)


Pretty good. Fun to run w/4 swords to plowshares AND 4 Path to exiles. Throw in a few revoke existences, a journey to nowhere...
Posted By: land_comment (3/9/2011 7:14:22 AM)


I love this card, Its so under rated.
Posted By: Trygon (5/23/2010 8:41:40 AM)


before Path, this was awesome.
also note that it does not say "combat damage". any damage will do.
Posted By: ultratog1028 (7/28/2009 12:16:47 PM)


keep your pricey land dropping Path to Exile. This card is better 4.5 / 5 .
Posted By: Talaxar (8/16/2010 3:27:15 PM)


Plop down a Harm's Way or two, then this, and you just ruined someone's day.
Posted By: Manakel (1/26/2011 4:10:24 PM)


Kinda looks like he could be kin to Venom!
Posted By: Mike-C (1/1/2012 6:33:33 AM)


When I was new I bought a set of this card because it looks like a budget Swords; but it's quite a bit worse. Hear me out:
-It can only be played at the end of combat/second main of an opponent's turn
-It can't hit utility creatures
-Unless the opponent has trample; you have to get hit full force by whatever it is to kill it; which sort of takes on a "Lose life equal to that creature's power" cost; which is much harder to work around

When you see the amount of life this often costs you it's good against traditional aggro (I.E. not midrange) but gets worse the more control-oriented the opponent is. It's probably best as a sideboard card in a Zoo/Weenie aggro deck so that you can kill off opposing creatures as you trade blows. Still; in almost any scenario I'd rather have a Lightning Bolt or a Swords to Plowshares; and if you're even mildly thrifty (or you trade for them) then even a budget player can get those.
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/18/2014 4:37:08 PM)


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