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This is not the same as rampage, because the rampage bonus was only for additional blockers after the first. Like rampage creatures, this was always good friends with Lure. You can wipe out an army of weenies/tokens and have anything else attacking get through.
Posted By: jfre81 (7/21/2011 2:34:39 PM)


Any creature can become blocked only once per attack, but becomes blocked BY A CREATURE for each creature which blocks it. A creature can become blocked in other ways (see Dazzling Beauty or Trap Runner). The oracle wording has been written to underline that this ability triggers for each blocking creature.

From Magic Comprehensive Rules:
509.4d An ability that reads "Whenever this creature becomes blocked by a creature, . . ." triggers
once for each creature that blocks the named creature. It triggers if a creature is declared as a
blocker for the attacking creature. It will also trigger if an effect causes a creature to block the
attacking creature, but only if it wasn‘t already blocking that attacking creature at that time. In
addition, it will trigger if a creature is put onto the battlefield blocking that creature. It won‘t
trigger if the creature becomes blocked by an effect rather than a creature.
Posted By: Paolino (1/23/2012 4:06:12 AM)


At least after being oracled it doesn't stack as any creature can become blocked just once per attack.
Posted By: tavaritz (8/23/2011 1:27:14 AM)


If Viashino Weaponsmith is blocked by two or more creatures does its effect stack?
Posted By: Blue_Lotus (3/19/2011 12:54:19 PM)


Based on the way it's worded: yes. However, I doubt it since there is already an ability that does this; I can't remember it's name but a lot of old creatures had it. (Was it Rampage?)

If it did stack, this creature would at least be uncommon since a green/red deck could easily force enemy creatures to attack the bastard and buff him with trample and just rip your opponent apart.

Ichorclaw Myr has an identical effect but can only trigger once per turn.
Posted By: Deepfried-Owls (5/17/2011 7:09:45 PM)


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