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My playset of this has one me more games than I can count. There's a reason that this card is the highest rated creature on gatherer and has been for awhile. It quite seriously is one of the best. The speed at which insane mana can be produced with this is nearly unrivaled. Especially when considering that you can easily run it with cards like Wirewood Lodge, Vitalize and Omnath and whatever else you need to get the most mileage out of it. And with Elvish Spirit Guide it comes out on turn 1!

Also, I'm surprised people argue over which Elf is better, this or Elvish Archdruid. This one's superior for ramp, costing lest and potentially giving you more mana, but the Archdruid buffs your elves too. But who even cares, if you're running elves, why not just run both? That's what I do.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/21/2012 3:41:55 PM)


Q : What is the best, this or Elvish Archdruid.
A : Having both of them on the battlefield :D
Posted By: Anzu-chan (9/12/2012 8:17:25 AM)


Its not overrated in any way. Combining other cards from the set, such as Gaea's Cradle and Exploration . Along with Rofellos, you could generate insane amounts of green mana, and with ridiculous speed. And if your running any green deck at all, that is going to work at all on the basis of mana acceleration there is no reason not to run elves, and no excuse not to run this elf.
Posted By: Inappropriate_Crab (6/24/2010 7:58:09 PM)


Ridiculously good card that fueled out a lot of combo kills over the years. Amazing with at least only 1 elf other than her out, and broken beyond that. 5/5
Posted By: masterofthechaos (7/3/2010 10:09:11 AM)


Not only the best Elf ever printed but possible the best 1/1 creature ever printed.
Posted By: Mr_Hendry (9/26/2009 6:31:04 PM)


Hands down the best Elf ever printed. Period.
Posted By: CadaverousBl00m (5/29/2009 1:05:42 AM)


I know this a great card so I don't have to say anything else, but

10/4/2004 Since he is an Elf, he counts himself."

Posted By: nelsonngyn0 (11/24/2012 11:37:15 AM)


Whoa whoa whoa, this was a common?!

Oh right, Urza block. Okay then.
Posted By: Continue (12/3/2012 5:28:34 PM)


With the M10 rule change of eliminating Mana Burn, how can you possibly pass this up in an Elf deck? No excuse. :
Posted By: CCGRick (7/8/2009 7:21:06 PM)


this plus Imperious Perfect/Elvish Promenade plus Rhys the Redeemed = overpowerd

edit- so long as you have something to spend it on
edit- or an omnath
Posted By: bijart_dauth (11/16/2010 4:41:52 PM)


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