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Try this with the Staff of Domination
Posted By: shoalsuser2004 (7/15/2009 8:28:07 PM)


Too bad Elvish Archdruid pretty much betters this in every way. It fits a whole lot better into an elf deck's mana curve (considering something like a turn 1 Llanowar Elf or Arbor Elf) AND has the Lord buff effect.

Granted, there's no reason not to run BOTH...
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (4/10/2011 10:20:17 AM)


Harabaz Druid = Ally version.
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (3/5/2010 2:02:57 AM)


Priest of Titania may be broken, or whatever your adjective of choice is. I'm not going to argue that point - but I'm going to point out that blue gets at least one card as scary as this per block, and nobody bats an eyelid.
Posted By: crimson_sunrise (9/22/2012 6:38:56 PM)


Oh, Urza's Saga. Between her, Rofellos, and Gaea's Cradle, things got just a bit silly.
Posted By: uberschveinen (2/25/2010 12:43:59 AM)



not Priestess
Posted By: Darth_Armitage (8/5/2010 12:57:50 PM)


Elf, another word for broken. I like nothing better than playing my mono red deck against my friend's elf deck, just the sheer joy in watching all those overpowered undercosted pointy ears getting scorched to the bone before they can tap for 10 mana on turn 3 is simply the best. Nothing like dropping a pyroclasm and wathcing the whople promenade getting torched in a sea of burning green clothes, while with evil laughter shouting "this is revenge on all broken green mana ramp".
Posted By: Sironos (12/4/2010 1:50:23 PM)


common 2drop elvish archdruid minus the +1/+1 ability. not ephen bad :D AND! it's a common
Posted By: kyogakura (3/31/2010 7:27:11 AM)


I had this chick back when I really got into magic. I gave all my cards away unfortunately, but now I'm back and in full force!! Hell ya baby. She's a staple for elf decks for real. I know people throw that word around a lot, but I really really mean it right now. And it seems like everyone else in here knows it too. Beautiful card, dang expensive though (almost costs as much as Phage to get a playset haha), but I would recommend you buy this card if your planning on making an elf deck.

PS this is extremely Good it is NOT OVERRATED. Anyone who says that has never used it (or used it correctly).
Posted By: EvilCleavage (11/16/2010 1:03:13 PM)


With such an ability and the high ammount of low-CMC elves, I feel this card would be so much more balanced if it cost a whole lot more and was a legendary.
Posted By: Daikoru (9/28/2010 6:14:45 PM)


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