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Community Rating: 3.856 / 5  (45 votes)
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I just realized that you can use this to avoid etb triggers on the cards you play face down. Potential?
Posted By: Tanaka348 (12/18/2009 11:40:33 PM)


Great card. And it allows you to put creatures straight into play without casting or entering the battlefield triggers.
Posted By: masonthekiller (11/13/2010 6:12:19 AM)


Hunted Horror Or any of the the other hunted creatures from ravnica work quite well. Maybe not as well as a phyrexian dreadnought, but still pretty stable creatures
Posted By: Havens (3/27/2011 11:41:02 AM)


"I just realized that you can use this to avoid etb triggers on the cards you play face down. Potential?"

Considering people have been making tournament-winning decks with this card and Phyrexian Dreadnought ever since Wizards restored the card's functionality..... Maybe.
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/17/2011 4:29:35 PM)


The creators of magic knew about Morph long before it was offically an ability.
Posted By: Darkersun (5/19/2009 11:12:54 AM)


Fun card. Although I would typically give it a 3 since there are many creatures that are not compatible with the card, the fact that it is unique and the interesting combos you can cast make it a 4 out of 5. Expensive if you find one, but I've always had fun with mine. Great bluff card too and the low casting cost makes it nice.
Posted By: Kimbote (7/9/2009 6:20:38 PM)


Now, I have a few questions.....say that someoneblackmail 's me...can I play creature cards in response?
also if I play lets say Emrakul, the Aeons Torn with this card and pay 0 like it says i can, and then they deal damage to it....well lets say I cannot afford to hard cast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn...what happens then to my Emrakul, the Aeons Torn?
Posted By: thatoneguyiknow (8/24/2010 12:43:01 PM)


Crazy card, and the changes made by its rules text (the creation of the 2/2 effectively Morph creature) are rather large compared to what we typically see even with most other old cards. It's funny to think about how totally "out there" this card was originally. For example, the original card didn't force you to turn the creature face up if it used an activated or triggered ability. Such cards were rare in the early days, but I guess it could have let you use a Force of Nature or Pitlord without paying the upkeep cost provided you didn't attack with them - madness!
Posted By: Radagast (9/10/2011 9:53:03 AM)


Phage EDH?
Posted By: Phage123 (6/5/2012 7:05:15 PM)


@thatoneguyIknow; No, you can't. The Oracle text is pretty clear on what Mask does, though it is wordy.
You can use the ability at sorcery speed only, and you must pay colorless mana equal to or greater than the converted cost of the creature. Not only is it good with stuff like Wormfang Manta and Phyrexian Dreadnought, but you can do funny things like play strange colored costs like rhox war monk and progenitus as colorless.
Apparently I was confused too. You need the correct colors to activate the ability. Strike that last part!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/25/2012 3:30:31 AM)


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