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I like how the Portal wording is just completely different to the Oracle one :D
Posted By: Mode (8/9/2009 9:46:35 PM)


Great art!
Posted By: UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD (8/31/2009 4:33:19 PM)


So this is essentially Essence Scatter for hipsters, with the errata.
Posted By: birikin (6/5/2013 3:37:09 PM)


@Zoah: The original wording was because Portal was an intro set that avoided complicated words and concepts, trying to make every card self-explanatory. Hence, "counters" wasn't a word it used -- they had to explain what it did instead.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/15/2013 8:40:57 AM)


Wait a second, I thought portal wasn't meant to have instants!
This is the most convoluted counterspell I ever did see (including convolute).
Hell, this is probably the most laboured way to describe a card's effect there is, and a lot of that is it being "totally not instant".

Then again, alpha had some pretty bad text boxes... Blaze of Glory
Posted By: BlazeB75 (12/3/2013 4:02:30 PM)


I'm sad they errated this, it went from being a wonderful casual trick against Stagg and the like to, Remove Soul, now with slightly better art.
Posted By: Gilgiga (10/25/2009 1:50:09 AM)


Hmm.... Well, I guess I really can't complain about the errata now after I was just on about how certain cards shouldn't exist... Still though, they shouldn't have changed the card's effect. Esspecially since they have had the word "Counter" on cards since alpha.

If they were doing it because they were updating the wording, fine. But they aren't, so this is dumb.

Oh well, my friends don't know about oracle rulings anyway. (That and uber official rules bother me).

On a side note, I disagree with just about everyone on the art. Remove soul looks cooler.
Posted By: Zoah (8/5/2010 12:36:35 AM)


its a sorcery?
Posted By: PrOgentius (10/29/2012 4:36:53 PM)


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