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staff member 1. Is it just me or is magic to noob friendly.
staff member 2. ya what do you think we should do about it?
staff member 1. well I was thinking lets make a block with only one good card per set.
staff member 2. isn't that Just punishing everyone?
staff member 1. nope because the more experienced players will look at the block first realize it sucks and keep bying cards from good sets like mirrodin.
staff member 2. alright sounds good!
staff member 1. I think I will call it the kamigawa.
staff member 1. You no what I like making noobs suffer lets make another crappy block called ravnica.
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/6/2011 1:29:05 PM)


Awesome play with this would go

1. Get 12 mana before you die.... Hard part over
2. Play iname as one (this card), search your library for iname, death aspect. Put every single spirit creature in your graveyard, including myojin of life's web and iname, life aspect.
3. On your next upkeep sac/destroy iname as one, put iname, life aspect on the battlefield, put all those "big beater spirits" in your hand and then play the myojin, remove the counter and toss them all out.
4. Get haste and start beating people!
Posted By: Milliman (10/24/2011 8:20:56 AM)


I want this for EDH
Posted By: Omenchild (6/8/2010 11:18:25 PM)


wow, i would totally pay like 9 or maybe 10 mana for this. um 12!?!?!?
Well, i suppose 8 for 8/8, GG for serch a spirit into play and BB grab one from your graveyard is good, but frankly, make him a 4/4 for 7 or 8, or a 3/3 for 7. With flying.
Posted By: Kindulas (11/15/2010 10:11:57 PM)


It That Betrays is another 12 mana creature.
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (1/15/2011 7:57:19 AM)


This card would be so worth it if it had the SAME EXACT abilities as Iname, Life Aspect and Iname, Death Aspect but making it only affect one card makes it terrible at 12 mana. I still would use him as an EDH general in a spirit deck with both of the other Inames
Posted By: Rikiaz (3/30/2011 8:41:30 AM)



It's effect is good, but the obvious problem is it's cost. Make it a 7 CMC and a 3/4 and I'd be happy, as would everyone else.
Posted By: Ferlord (8/27/2011 6:06:05 PM)


Sucks as a General unless you can get past that cost. As far as I know, you cannot cheat a General into play from the command zone beyond what it printed on it's card. Otherwise, Good ol' Progenitus would see a lot more play in EDH.

But, in a revival deck, mana cost means nothing. He sync his black half (Iname, Death Aspect) really well as long as you don't pull EVERY spirit out with him. I'd play him in my Iname (Black) deck if not for the color identity rule.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (8/28/2011 10:16:57 AM)


Well, it's a lot better now that there exists infrastructure for casting massive mana cost creatures (see: Eldrazi). The search and put into play effect is extremely powerful if used properly (Conspiracy for Spirit allows you to find anything from your deck, including more expensive stuff, and whack it straight into play, with a similar resurrecting ability on death). I'm just saying, there are ways to abuse it that mean you need to keep an eye on the cost.
Posted By: LordRandomness (11/26/2011 3:44:52 AM)


The second abillity is begging for Ashes of the Fallen.
Posted By: Exilyth (1/1/2012 6:35:34 PM)


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