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I've actually taken out playsets of llowanar elves and arbor elves for this and overgrown battlements. it is a very painful first 2 turns for you'r opponent if he or she is trying to play aggressively.
Posted By: Gezus82 (6/27/2010 4:50:33 PM)


Mostly green Doran, the Siege Tower deck, here I come.
Posted By: Corey_bayoudragonfly (9/23/2011 11:40:52 AM)


@Buderus: It's the 'Dies to' Meme, dude.

This card is awesome. Rock it in a multiplayer match and just watch it get targeted or stolen.

Yep, I've seen people steal this. A Common.
Posted By: psychichobo (5/12/2013 3:45:59 PM)


play 4 of these with cards like ensouled scimitar, and a few other equipment, makes him an incredibly solid blocker, also throw in some shield of keldra for late game (normally for other cards) but can come in handy on traproot kami anyway against some nasty rares

I have seen it played pretty well in two color decks as it often is big enough to handle your opponents creatures if your going for ramp.
Posted By: Ava_Adore (6/2/2011 8:26:48 AM)


"unstoppable wall"? Don't you just have to stand there and a wall just, er... stops? Well I guess technically it has to be moving first to be able to stop but you get my point. :-P
Posted By: OmegaSerris (3/13/2012 12:02:25 AM)


Another fantstic card from the kami block.
The only reason why the block catches hate, is that its weaker cards was weaker then normal
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/2/2013 4:21:54 AM)


A, good old Traproot kami. Just a very solid blocker, especially when you can somehow raise its power a bit. Can create very funny late game situations, when blocking huge tramplers with a Traproot Kami... and having the kami survive. That's only speaking casual, of course.
Posted By: Dark_Raider (11/14/2009 1:08:17 PM)


See people? Kamigawa has good cards too!
Posted By: VoidedNote (8/14/2010 10:50:31 AM)


This has potent to become huge
Posted By: Qazior (9/11/2009 5:45:49 AM)


Sort of bad early game (compare to Wall of Roots, Wall of Blossoms, or Vine Trellis), but in the late game, an unstoppable wall.

Also, it has the potential to be better than the walls I just mentioned if your opponent is playing green too.

That said, this card is really only good in mono-green, where you can maximize your forests, and in casual, when you don't have nearly as many nonbasics.
Posted By: Champion_Kitsune (11/27/2009 1:51:04 PM)


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