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Community Rating: 3.128 / 5  (43 votes)
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Hm not bad actually for EDH. His ability would essentially get rid of the 21 points rule against you, and kill attacking generals
Posted By: Omenchild (6/8/2010 11:43:46 PM)


For a good combo in the same block. Discard him by some means, Iname, Death Aspect would work, then play Goryo's Vengeance. Use his ability to wipe out your opponents field then swing for 9. If you discarded him by a cheaper means than Iname, for instance by waiting until you had 8 cards and dropping him, you just wiped your opponents field and swung for 9 damage in one turn and for only 2 mana. If you spliced then over 3 but you can do it again next turn now if you had more than one in your deck and you used Iname.
Posted By: OpeeFomenom (8/28/2010 2:59:29 AM)


His name is "Black"?

Way to go, Wizards.
Posted By: Gelzo (12/12/2010 10:56:25 PM)


9 mana and no trample or flying? That's retarded.

His ability is somewhat useful if you have life steal though (Vampiric Link would be ideal), it can weaken any creature without shroud. You can basically harass opponents with a creature and if it gets blocked you can debuff the blocker and save your dude. It also works the other way. But still, it isn't much of a compensation considering you also have to pay 9 mana up front and then bankrupt yourself with upkeep.
Posted By: Lege (11/8/2009 8:08:27 AM)


Plague Wind on a 9/9 body, me likey.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/16/2012 12:24:20 AM)


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