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Community Rating: 3.327 / 5  (55 votes)
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This viashino is a great gift to any casual multiplayer "Tim deck". It is a solid blocker and dodges abundant little sweepers like Tremor, Simoon, Volcanic Fallout etc. which normally hurt your deck of Prodigal Pyromancers, Vulshok Sorcerers and so on pretty bad. It helps that he is average enough to not draw immediate targeted removal most of the time.
Posted By: holgir (9/9/2009 2:22:23 AM)


A godsend in Ravnica limited, when games sometimes came down to blocking wars and standstills. The fact that he is not only an economic red 4-drop, but also spot removal of all the many 1 toughness creatures from its block, without ever engaging them in combat. Kills that late game Dark Confidante that just won't go away, too.
Posted By: Equinox523 (6/17/2011 9:27:39 AM)


The one power toughness is one of the major weaknesses to cards like Prodigal pyromancer, and this guy solves this problem for only one more mana, keeping both himself and the pyromancer relevant. Good design, wizards, good design
Posted By: brunsbr103 (12/5/2011 9:32:09 PM)


A resonable body to engage in combat is a nice addiction for only Red more... In this way, you can attack with it if the opportunity rises, or you can use it to take out those annoying little creatures that are there only for their abilities, for example other pingers...

Posted By: leomistico (11/24/2011 2:36:28 AM)


Versatile. Decent for combat when it's relevant, decent for pinging when it's relevant. A handy platform to build off of and fairly costed.

Sure, having a pinger on a big body is kinda silly, but think of it as "Protection from Shock" and it seems a bit better.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/26/2012 7:32:32 PM)


A creature/player pinger on a 3/3 body for 4cmc, anyone not rating this 4 stars or above doesn't know red.
Posted By: Sironos (6/9/2010 10:01:14 AM)


Hey, another Viashino that doesn't suck.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/7/2011 8:46:15 AM)


Viashino Fangtail is to Prodigal Pyromancer as Arcane Teachings is to Power of Fire.
A big body on a pinger is actually quite good, since you can leave it untapped for combat and shoot on the opponent's end step.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/30/2012 4:42:48 PM)


I hate seeing weak abilities on anything larger than a 2/2. It just seems that either the ability or the card's P/T is wasted.
Posted By: sweetestsadist (3/6/2009 12:35:38 PM)


its much better than prodigal p. 1 more mana and it gets a +2/+2 boost
Posted By: TheMoustacheCame (7/10/2010 5:36:49 PM)


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