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Community Rating: 2.943 / 5  (53 votes)
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Posted By: Salient (3/3/2012 12:29:47 PM)


Stalking vengeance,
Posted By: Sanderleet (2/9/2010 8:40:56 AM)


Reckless charge him in first main phase, and pay the flashback cost while you're at it
2nd main phase: sac him...
Posted By: Prince_Ava (5/19/2010 4:04:43 PM)


I think this guy gets overlooked in the Gruul guild a bit.
Rumbling Slums take care of your bloodthirsting needs.

Dragon Breath, Rancor, and cards like Might of Oaks work very well with him.
Hit, then sac for extra damage, especially with a Rancor.

If your Gruul deck has already done it's job, he could very easily end a game.

Posted By: Cigarette (12/8/2010 8:17:48 AM)


Fatal Frenzy, swing, sacrifice after damage is dealt (or before if something threatens to kill it). Also a respectable Quicksilver Gargantuan target if you can stomach the color combination.
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/29/2011 5:39:20 AM)


So, a lot of people are on this guy for his high cost and I guess weakness of needing to wait for a second turn. However, with all the green mana boosters (or cards like Elvish Piper), the mana cost isn't an issue. Also, there are plenty of cards that can grant cards like him with haste, therefore allowing a simultaneous access to his sac ability. And to close, to get the blood thirst, as I understand it, the damage can come from any source, so why not cast a lightning bolt or shock to grant the damage? I'm rebuilding my Gruul deck with some major differences and it's going to be mostly focused on the few copies I have of this guy. Junkyo Bell anyone?
Posted By: wmercierjr (8/5/2012 7:25:01 PM)


He's got a BAMF "Metal" name, he's gold, and he's Creature Type- Giant.

Definitely in the "Nephilim"-class of cards: Cards that would be even more cool as Legendary Creatures, so you could have them as your Commander :)

VORTHOS knows "Legendary" isn't a drawback, it's a feature! ^_^
Posted By: DarthParallax (12/5/2012 12:08:28 PM)


Bloodthirst 3, built in Fling for 1 and in the same colours as bloodrush? This is the perfect way to end a game, especially if you ramp into him. Which you will. Because you're playing green.
Posted By: ProfCharles (7/11/2013 2:38:21 PM)


Yeah, if you were to even have a mediocre deck with Brawn and Anger, then this guy is 8 mana to do up to 12 the turn he drops.

You're in the colors of pump spells, trample, mana ramp, and haste. I'm sure you can figure something out.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/26/2013 10:20:36 AM)


A potential 6/6 for 7CC that can sac himself to deal power damage? Better than people suspect, I think. Combine this guy with something as simple as a Firebreathing, and you've got a bomb on your hands.

At least 3.5/5, possibly better in the right deck.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (3/5/2010 8:11:15 AM)


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