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awesome reminder text
Posted By: BambooNickel (9/28/2009 7:39:33 AM)


The whole thing about the reminder text is stupid. I mean come on, what do we normally call cards at deal damage in Magic? BURN SPELLS. So it only stand to reason with a card that puts counters on a land and makes that land deal damage that the thing about "the land still burns" means that the land still deals damage when the creature leaves play. I personally like the reminder text and hope they do more like it.
Posted By: The_Seeker17 (10/31/2009 4:20:42 PM)


This guy is Mythic because of the goofy reminder text.

Edit: Combos with R&D's Secret Lair and a lighter. Duh.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (5/12/2012 12:17:45 PM)


@Lifegain: Mythic rarity is based on how awesome the card is, not how good it is. If you can't see that here, you lack imagination.
Posted By: Totema (3/27/2013 2:28:15 PM)


It's definitely a playable card, but i'm merely going to criticize the reminder text here:

I never disliked anything Wizards did concerning changes in Magic's rulings or card des-criptions.
I like the more flavorful general des-criptions like the battlefield, the exiled zone or spells being cast - wording that came with M10; and for instance i also like italic key words which show what a card is roughly doing. (Those first appeared back then in Saviors of Kamigawa)
Yet i really don't like reminder texts that explain the rules with flavor instead of strict wording.
Flavor is that part of a card that i either only want to see on a card's artwork or flavor text, or which should otherwise stay hidden in the ability and interpreted by the players accordingly. This takes away a Vorthos player's work, makes explications fuzzy and might also even appear childish at that point.

Yet Obsidian Fireheart being the only c... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (9/25/2009 5:24:14 PM)


Now Rock Hydra has a companion in the ridiculous templating category.
Posted By: iandustrial (9/26/2009 7:25:43 AM)


The flavor text is no problem. The whole point of it is to be a quick reference that can stave off lengthy rules debates. If it can do this by playing off the various flavor cues, then great. It's easy to understand what's going on: flaming beast leaves a fiery wake behind it. There's no need to be more precise than "continues to burn", as the reminder text does not define the rules.

The problem is the card itself; it's bad. A vanilla 4/4 for four mana isn't anywhere near playable in constructed -- Leatherback Baloth laughs at this creature. So it's upon the ability to save the Fireheart. Paying three to set up a delayed trigger for one damage is a lot (actually, it's seven for the first one). You can speed up the clock by dumping tons more mana into this ability, but it seriously pales in comparison to just playing burn spells and better creatures. Play him turn four; place one counter turn five; place two counters turn six -- this is turn six, and he's done ... (see all)
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/10/2011 4:11:53 PM)


I know they were trying to be "cute" with the reminder text, but you know it's a bad idea if they have an oracle ruling anyway that explains what the reminder text means.
Posted By: Kirbster (5/22/2012 10:38:01 PM)


Decent synergy with Chandra's spitfire
Posted By: RedCravat (1/24/2011 11:00:16 PM)


lol, gilder bairn + paradise mantle
Posted By: GrantAres (11/16/2009 8:47:05 AM)


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