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Best of the Rusalkas!!! 1/5

@Tobolococo: Yes, usually purpilish ghosts are in fact black, but according to the Flavor Text below this was a young girl hanged, and according almost all human culture young boys and girls, also known as children, are innocent and pure which is why the card is in fact white.
Posted By: JL_Weber (2/11/2010 8:43:35 PM)


Useless fact: Rusalka means roughly mermaid in russian. Roughly, because russian mermaids are not all like good little Ariel. They are the spirits of drowned girls who enjoy drowning mortals or even, I kid you not, tickle them to their deaths.
Posted By: Arachnos (2/20/2011 10:48:19 PM)


Completly agree with JL_Weber here, besides I try not to hang to much relevence on the art of a card since I have seen artists really mess up the art, as is the case with Hyalopterous Lemure.

Personaly I really do like the flavor of this card, it is kinda neat how it seems like she is trying to prevent any injustices from befalling anyone else, and so stoping someone from attacking effectivly lays her spirit to rest.

As far as how functional this card is..well it really is somewhat hard to say, I guess if you want your creatures in the graveyard this might be a good card. This comboed with festering goblin might be able to kill a few creatures early game. But all in all, usally tapping a creatures is more usefull then simply making it unable to attack. I would say it is a decent card, just not a great one.
Posted By: Silverware (8/28/2010 8:26:03 AM)


Rarely does the art alone tell such a complete, and in this case tragic, story.

The flavor text is just in writing what the image tells your soul.
Posted By: Polychromatic (5/9/2011 8:45:45 PM)


Probably the best artwork for a spirit I've ever seen. Actually looks like a ghost.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/16/2012 4:14:22 PM)


Don't try to put it in a deck that it doesn't work with. It's the kind of card that has its own small niche. Obviously, this is the sacrifice one.
I have a B/W sacrifice deck (make a bunch of tokens, use sacrifice outlets to trigger Morbid things like Skirsdag High Priest and Tragic Slip while things like Unruly Mob get ridiculous).
Then, I saw this card. I thought "Meh, I'll give it a shot" and bought one.
The next day, I was playing a game with it, and this thing kept me in the game. I was mana screwed so I had no blockers, and this managed to let me stall until I could cast an Increasing Devotion.

All in all, it's only good if you have a deck that'll work with it. The only ones that are probably going to work are this one and Plagued Rusalka. The rest are in strange colors.

I'm not sure if this is correct or not (not a pro judge or anything) but even if they declare something a... (see all)
Posted By: Mistralis (5/21/2013 6:37:58 PM)


sniff... who knew the Rakdos were so... cruel? I refuse to think of goblins this way, it must have been those blasted imps
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/12/2011 5:10:51 PM)


according with the art it should be black
Posted By: Tobolococo (2/9/2010 11:57:29 PM)


Considering a couple of these for my W/B Sacrifice/Reanimator deck alongside Reassembling Skeleton and Carrion Feeder. The attack prevention can give you that precious time to mount a legit defense if things seem like they are getting out of hand early. Too bad the sac effect wasn't free or this would probably see much more widespread play.

If it has the right home, this card seems like it could pull it's weight in casual.

Artwork and flavor are great. 4/5
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (4/12/2011 12:57:21 AM)


Here is a "meh" card in playability that is completely redeemed for art and flavor.
Posted By: JFM2796 (9/25/2011 8:31:35 PM)


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