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Community Rating: 3.757 / 5  (35 votes)
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These guy's value tanked worse than the real estate market.
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/6/2011 6:33:04 PM)


scumbling1, no kidding. This and Baneslayer taught me the same lesson: don't pay $25+ for a 5/5 finisher creature that seems like it will be an Extended staple forever and ever, because... it won't. There will always be a new bomb finisher.

I feel sorry for the folks playing tournament Standard who basically have to shovel out money for the latest 5/5 only to watch its aftermarket value plummet... I'm wondering if Geist of Saint Traft will face the same fate. It seems about halfway between the potential of Tarmogoyf and the potential of cards like Horde and Baneslayer and Phyrexian Negator.
Posted By: Salient (1/25/2012 3:46:01 PM)


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