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Assuming three mana is a fair cost for a 2/2 with haste, which seems like a standard enough deal to me, you're basically paying 1 Red to draw up to four cards. And that sounds like a pretty -great- deal to me. Especially considering that most draw cards have you throw away at least half of what you get. It can certainly sting if you have bad luck and end up spending 4 on one less than wonderful monster, but it seems worth the risk.
Posted By: GradiustheFox (2/27/2010 5:16:11 AM)


Goblin Recruiter seems to always recruit this guy first followed by four other goblins.
Posted By: AngelxLegna (4/16/2010 7:52:33 AM)


I love this card, with Goblin Recruiter it is a great fetch card and by itself is a great draw card. At least 2 in any goblin deck is a must.
Posted By: niallcmurray86 (7/25/2010 3:13:33 PM)


this card plus warren instigator equals awesome
Posted By: MindAblaze (1/3/2011 9:42:33 PM)


Card advantage on legs with haste, whats not to love, Ringleader + Goblin Matron is what makes Legacy Goblins tick, forget about Goblin lackey and Goblin piledriver they may be the money cards in the deck but their just bonus gas, Ringleader is the real meat of the deck. Because of Ringleader you can go to late game against decks and out card advantage them (even blue based decks don't have a 4 mana draw 4), I remember one particularly memorable game against landstill I won by slow rolling ringleaders through multiple pernicious deeds.
Posted By: Scytale1 (2/10/2012 11:08:05 PM)


possible card draw is still card draw and in weenie heavy decks like goblins it can really help in a pinch.
Posted By: thaviel (4/15/2009 5:28:54 PM)


Excellent card, but don't even think about putting it in a deck "that has some" goblins, big mistake
Posted By: feliciano182 (2/28/2010 8:06:34 AM)


I win about 80% of Legacy games where he hits play. So good.
Posted By: Da_Music_Attack (1/17/2012 11:45:23 PM)


I think I prefer Sensation Gorger in gobbie tribal. Less expensive, and though his ability is somewhat less reliable, it also reoccurs every turn, and will let you keep cards that you would have lost with this guy, like Goblin Grenade. He does however take a turn longer to get going, while this happens immediately.
Posted By: Totema (7/19/2012 8:56:27 PM)


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