Works great with Pyroclasm if your opponent has a lot of weenies in play. Then once Kresh gets huge, you can follow up with Lavalanche to finish the rest of his creatures you weren't able to kill with the 2 damage from 'clasm.
Diabolic combo: play Phyrexian Dreadnought, let it go to the graveyard. You now have a 15/15 behemoth, top it off with a Soul's Fire.
Posted By:
(1/9/2010 8:25:15 AM)
Force of Savagery + Mimic Vat
Posted By:
(2/18/2011 3:37:08 PM)
This guy loves Fallen Ideal!!!
Posted By:
(7/5/2011 1:30:17 PM)
Oddly enough, the only other card with "Bloodbraid", is Bloodbraid Elf, which is, quite obviously, an Elf. It's interesting, because even though Jund is a mindless, destructive, wasteland, or perhaps even because it's a mindless, destructive, wasteland, the people there don't have any prejudices against members of other species. Kresh is a Human, but his subjects are Elves. He really doesn't care.
Also, him plus Brood Warden plus any Eldrazi Spawn generators is a fun combo. Kresh's constant ramping is a really difficult problem, and in a good ramp deck, usually people will be working overtime just to deal with him, and not spend any time trying to stop you from ramping into something like Emrakul or Gelatinous Genesis.
Posted By:
(8/1/2011 9:37:36 PM)
Coming back in FTV: Legends.
Posted By:
(8/4/2011 1:23:55 PM)
Force of Savagery
Posted By:
(8/5/2011 10:41:19 PM)
Perfect for a Jund-devour deck.
Posted By:
(5/2/2009 10:29:30 PM)
Kresh + Traximundar = BFF
Posted By:
(8/7/2009 3:30:22 PM)
I'm going to spin this a different direction and say Altar of Dementia, and maybe something like Cauldron Haze would work well with this guy. Everything can die twice to the Altar, making Kresh huge. Then he could sac himself to the Altar, essentially doubling the mill (+3) that has already happened.
Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper and Rakka Mar look like good candidates too.
Does any one still use Spark Elemental? My friend makes fun of me for it.
Posted By:
(6/19/2009 2:00:54 AM)
force of savagery
Posted By:
(3/31/2011 1:18:04 PM)