Great with Mayeal's Aria if played correctly.
Posted By:
(7/17/2009 7:22:44 AM)
This is one of Raymond Swanlands best cards. He's by far my favorite artist - Kresh, Violent Ultimatum, Obsidian Fireheart are all amazing looking.
Posted By:
(10/12/2009 6:50:48 PM)
He excels as a Commander in EDH games. Kresh followed by a card that kills multiple creatures like Plague Wind, Barter in Blood, or Voidcan win you the game.
Posted By:
(12/24/2009 1:23:54 PM)
This guy is an EDH HOUSE!
Posted By:
(12/27/2009 5:54:48 PM)
I'd love to see this guy get buffed by Ball Lightning, despite the .1% of it actually happening due to the color intensity.
Posted By:
(3/15/2010 5:02:03 PM)
With the Combo aboutAltar of Dementia and Cauldron Haze, you can sac Kresh the Bloodbraided (with Persist) then Sac anyother creature with 1 or more Power to Get rid of Kresh's -1/-1 Counter so he can Persist again. Then repeat for each creature. You can actually do it twice for each Creature as long as the creature has high enough Power when you Sac it.
Sac Kresh, they lose top 3 cards and Kresh persists.
Sac Sprouting Thrinax and Kresh is a 5/5 and they lose 3 off the top and Thrinax persists.
Sac Kresh for 5 cards off the top and he persists (since the +1/+1 counters get's rid of the -1/-1).
Then Sac Thrinax again and Kresh is a 4/4 and they lose 2 cards. Then you get even more uses out of this since the two Thrinax made 6 1/1 saprolings. so Kresh can become a 3/3 again each time you sac a Saproling.
So with 3 cards, you can effectively mill out over half your opponents deck, or maybe even the w... (see all)
Posted By:
(5/6/2010 10:29:30 PM)
one word mycoloth
Posted By:
(5/24/2010 3:29:32 PM)
@twistedNsanity: a friend and I use kresh and thrax as generals for 2 headed giant EDH. Better BFFs you will never find.
Posted By:
(6/23/2010 10:45:06 PM)
@krissy821 Unfortunately that interaction does not work like that. Once you sacrifice Kresh the first time, he persists, but he no longer has the persist ability granted by Cauldron Haze when he returns to the battlefield.
@Dragon23 You're right, and wrong. The combo krissy821 mentioned doesn't work like that because Kresh no longer retains the persist ability when he returns to the battlefield, as mentioned above. However, -1/-1 and +1/+1 counters do cancel each other out. I believe this was a rule change about the time Shadowmoor was released.
Posted By:
(9/21/2010 11:21:23 AM)